Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Romantic Ideas

‘Tis the month for celebrating love. It’s something we all crave yet can sometimes be put on the back burner. However, cultivating healthy relationships requires regular attention, and Valentine’s Day is an excellent time to jump-start these intentions. So, we’ve gathered some ideas for a romantic celebration, as well as ways for couples to nurture their love, not just on cupid’s day, but every day.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to jumpstart your love!The History of Valentine’s Day

Today, Valentine’s Day centers around candy, flowers, gifts, romantic dinners, and greeting cards, but the origins of Valentine’s Day are full of legend and bizarre traditions. It is thought that the holiday originated from the ancient pagan festival, Lupercalia, held in Rome each year on February 15. The festival was intended to enable or facilitate fertility. But trust me, you wouldn’t want to plan your Valentine’s Day with these archaic rituals of sacrifice. Marriage is hard enough without requiring more sacrifice. So enough about history!

Romantic Ideas for Celebrating Love

Fertility rituals aside, it’s important to celebrate the bond you share with your partner. Keeping romance alive isn’t tricky, but it takes commitment to the effort. Like a meditation or yoga practice, the benefits build up when you do it regularly. It can be challenging to find new ways to show your partner you care, but celebrations don’t have to be large and expensive; there are numerous ways to show gratitude for your relationship.

Surprise Each Other.
Sometimes a minor thing can make a big difference. For example, random love notes when you wake up are a tender way to start the day. An invitation to take a walk or do something your partner enjoys is an excellent way to find time to connect. And, when you are doing something out of the ordinary, you’re more likely to be fully present.

Don’t get me wrong, dining out is excellent, especially when it’s something you do on special occasions, but dining in can be incredibly romantic. Yes, there is always the option to set the table with all your finery and enjoy a special dinner. But breakfast in bed or a special candle-lit lunch at home during the workweek can be just as special, especially with the intention of nurturing a loving partnership.

Enjoy a staycation. 
You don’t have to go far to find romantic ways to spend time together. Sleep in, go out to brunch, then take in a matinee or go for a hike. Look for activities in your area that you would recommend to visitors but might not do yourself, such as visiting museums or browsing the retail shops. Adopting the mindset of becoming a tourist in your hometown can bring your curiosity to the forefront again.

Ways to Nurture Your Relationship

While celebrating love is essential, it’s also necessary for couples to continuously nurture their relationship. These acts can be effortless, but they do require mindfulness.

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